So, FINALLY we got summer today. Kirra and I spent about 3 hours at the dog park, playing in the river and hiking around. I suppose I was making up for lack of sun over the summer. There were a lot of people out and a surprising number of cameras. I had mine with me for about an hour, then it went into the car while we jogged around and played in the river. One of these days I'll get a shot of Kirra flaked out on the couch after a great day like today.

Another one with great colors. I think it is cool how all the different colors can be around at the same time. Or, as I heard on the radio "the leaves are confused as to what they are supposed to be doing, falling, growing, changing color....cause the weather can't make up it's mind either."

yeah what's with the weather being so nice now? I could almost go tubing down the river again...weird!