Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was a horrible person yesterday and didn't post anything so I'm making up for it today :) I've got 3 to share. I took Kirra out for awhile and this time I watched the bugs around me. I got stung on Friday, twice. She is pretty good when I ask her to pose for a picture. This time I only got a shot or two off before she saw something to chase in the bush.
I think I have this set up now so that anyone can comment on my posts, so please do.

This is one of my favorite types of pictures to take. I love the contrast of colors when the leaves change.

I'm going to have to figure out how to take pictures when I am out running. I need a strap or something for my camera so I don't have to carry it in my hand. Keys, leash and camera gets to be a handful.


  1. Nice pictures, Drai. My favorite is the second one, too. You don't have one (or 3 or what ever) up yet for today ...
    <3 Mom

  2. ppssstt the tree in the picture that is Genna and Mom's favourite in this post is also posted in the one you did today (tuesday the 28th) and I for one think it's funny.

    I'd have to say that the one of the fence is my favourite though
