Tuesday, November 9, 2010

THE HIKE part 3

I had no idea where she was when I heard a noise above my head. I think she must be part mountain goat.
That helicopter was on the river bed behind Viktor's knee.
That's how high up we were.

Inside the ice cave. The flash was the only light for this picture. Some nice rock climber loaned us a flashlight so we could check out the cave.
Made it to the ice. Just on one wall at this point, but as the winter progresses it becomes a full out ice cave.
Flare stack, up close and personal.
A completely exhausted Kirra. She was a trooper and probably did a couple more km's than we did, cause she runs all over the place, never in a straight line.

1 comment:

  1. I'm exhausted just imagining the hike so I'm right there with Kirra. Glad you had a good time.
